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Which is the Best Email Marketing Tool?

The 21st century has signaled new and more efficient ways of promoting one's business and products to various marketplace without having to spend much in traditional advertising. New technological advancement made the use of internet marketing not only as a fad but a way of life. Internet marketing has been a very reliable way of increasing one's sales. However, success in internet marketing depends a great deal on how the internet marketer uses the various amount of internet marketing tools out there.
Internet marketing has been the preferred marketing method not only by small and medium business but also by corporations across the world. However, it is more popular with home-based business due to its efficiency and the minimal costs involved with it. The proper use of email marketing tools will determine how fast one can get a potential customer to become a real customer. However, a good internet marketer can identify the target market from potential customers who may be patronizing a competitor's products.
While your potential customer is presently a real customer of your competitor, you still have a great chance of turning him into your real customer if you use the right email marketing tools. One such tool that works perfectly well for most internet marketer is the use of follow up emails. These potential customers may have already bought from your competitor but the problem is that customer may have felt ignored or disregarded for lack of a follow up mechanism. By wooing that potential customer through follow up emails that contain value and offers, there is a chance that sooner or later, he would become your real customer.
The secret is with determination and persistence in intensively sending follow up emails to the potential customers. Other marketers refuse to spend time with a prospect or a customer who do not respond after one or two emails. By looking at this as a method of wooing or courting, the effective email marketer will continue to pursue the potential customer without let-up.
Tool 1 - Autoresponder Service
We'll start off with obviously the autoresponder service first. If you want to ensure that you are doing the best job possible, you will want to subscribe to a paid professional service like Aweber or Get Response.
Free autoresponders just don't cut it. Their deliverability rates are horrible, ads are often included in your emails and they only allow you to send to a very limited number of subscribers. Professional services, however, boast much higher deliverability rates as they have existing relationships with email service providers that enable most of their emails to be delivered.

Tool 2 - Tracking Service
The second tool an email marketer should get is a tracking service that allows you to track clicks and sales. Although autoresponders provide their own tracking services, these often spew out long ugly links if you are using text emails. Having such long links may reduce your click-through rates with a non-tech savvy audience, who might not like clicking on long links. A solution is to use tracking services like Hypertracker, AdTrackz, BudURL and Bit dot ly. Hypertracker and AdTrackz let you track sales for your own products as well, while BudURL and Bit dot ly only enable you to track clicks.
Tool 3 - Delivery Monitoring Service
In addition to the mandatory autoresponder and tracking service, a delivery monitoring service is an additional tool you can consider for monitoring your email campaigns. These services let you monitor the deliverability rates of your mailings.
The way this is done is that they will have a seed list of emails signed up at all the major service providers, like Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo. You download this seed list and import it into your autoresponder. From there, you can track the deliverability rate to this seed list, which gives you a good idea of how well your emails are getting delivered.
Tool 4 - Calendar
If you email your subscribers often, maintaining some sort of 'broadcast calendar' is a good idea. You can either create a simple calendar using Notepad or if you are more traditional, use an offline calendar or a notebook. Doing this helps you keep your email campaigns organized so you don't lose track of when and what you should be mailing out.
Tool 5 - Viral E-Book
Another effective email marketing tool is the use of viral e-books which may be a new concept but is definitely as effective as the other marketing tools. By the way, it is called viral marketing for its ability to be passed on like a virus, from one person to another.
Viral e-books can be your ticket to success in terms of increased website traffic. People who are interested in a certain topic or issue have no choice but to download your e-book particularly if they have benefited from the e-book topic. Thus, the number one rule in creating your e-book is that it must be on a topic that would be of interest to your target market and to their contacts, making the e-book a good material for passing on.
Of course, you have to get a very good writer who will create your masterpiece but that would be a minimal cost considering the multiplication effect it will have on your online business. You capitalized on one e-book which would be passed on several, sometimes hundreds or more, people with buying potential. This is probably one cost with a huge return on capital.
Do not scrimp on your e-book because it is the reason why people will visit your website. An e-book which does not present a valued topic will just as easily be thrown to the next garbage can or in the case of computer users they can just easily delete your e-book link.

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1 comment:

  1. I made $20 for each 20 minute survey!

    Guess what? This is exactly what large companies are paying me for. They need to know what their average customer needs and wants. So large companies pay millions of dollars per month to the average person. In return, the average person, myself included, answers some questions and gives them their opinion.
