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The Super Affiliate Marketing Opportunity

There are at least four categories that I encourage anyone to measure an affiliate marketing program against. They are product type, product funnel, sales process, and commissions paid.

1. Product type. Is it something people are even shopping for? Just because you like it, doesn't mean that others are looking to buy it. Is it a quality product, offered by a reputable company? Is the product offered something you can hold-in-your-hand or something intangible, like access to information or a download of some kind? With access to information, consumers can click, buy, and then have instant access to that information.

Products or services that can instantly gratify the consumer are preferable. Computer software comes to mind.

2. Product funnel. Once a customer has purchased, are there other complementary products that can be offered to that same customer? Ideally those products get progressively more expensive and are paid for on a recurring or subscription basis, thereby providing the affiliate with regular income. The goal is to automate any affiliate marketing business so that money can be made for years to come from only today's efforts.

Membership sites come to mind. If the information accessed is valuable and can get someone from where they are to where the want to be quickly, then you've got a winner! FYI, it can be challenging to find legitimate product funnels. Beware of the scams.

3. Sales process. How much selling or follow-up do you have to do as the affiliate? A properly targeted and syndicated blog can easily bring 15-20 leads per day. Is that how you plan to spread the word about the great product or service you have? Who handles the sales process and email follow-up? How much marketing does the company do? Does the company provide affiliates with advertising materials, like banners, landing pages and lead capture pages. Will you have to go get a website to market this product and if so, does the company provide you with one? Will you own the customer's email addresses or will the company you're representing own those email addresses? Does the company reward affiliates with higher commissions or more training?

There are many more questions I 'd encourage you to ask, but these will get you started.

4. How much money can you reasonably expect to make? If you've done your homework and found the best product and sales funnel, the sky is the limit! It takes the same amount of online effort to get a $1 product in front of a potential buyer as it does to get a $25,000 product in front of a potential buyer. If you're trying to connect buyers to low-cost items, don't expect to make much. Focus your energy on high-ticket items that pay equally high commissions to affiliates.

Look for a program that rewards you with even higher commissions as you make a career out of it. Most affiliate commissions I've seen are in the 10% range, but some go much higher.

Ideally the entry-level product is inexpensive and provides unbeatable value, so when a more expensive offer is presented to your customer, they're much more likely to purchase again and spend even more money. You can write your own paycheck and generate your very own exponentially increasing passive monthly income!

You'll eliminate years of mistakes by following the above guidelines when considering marketing someone else's product or service. You'll save money, time and aggravation. Jump to the front of the affiliate marketing line and always consider product type, product funnel, sales process, and commissions paid.

Matt Nathanson, CEO Island Time, LLC

My goal is to show you how to be financially self-sufficient, forever. I want you to be happy and to feel fulfilled, knowing that your income can never be taken from you. The internet makes that possible. The days of trading your 9-5 time for money are over. Join the new rich!

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