Big Bird and the Road Runner
It may surprise you, but I have
never actually been tarred or feathered. Nor indeed do I suffer from any
longing to have my body covered in sticky tar and then sprinkled with a
liberal dusting of feathers so that I look like a cross between Big
Bird and the Road Runner.
Tarred and Feathered, Just Like in Biblical Times
of my (ex) affiliate marketing customers disagrees. He complained to me
in an email that he was going to report me to the powers that be and
start a petition (or a partition as he put it) in all 50 states,
demanding that I be fined and tarred and feathered, just like in
biblical times.
My Bank Wouldn't Pay for Your Product
my crime? Apparently I was responsible for his bank refusing payment and
his credit card being declined again and again. Go figure. Look, this
guy is clearly two sandwiches short of a picnic but it does shine a
light on a very important lesson. Even the semi-sane among us can be
quick to blame others when things aren't going our way.
Don't Bang Your Head Against the Wall
hold my hands up. I used to be like this when I first started affiliate
marketing. Nothing was working and at first I was scratching my head.
Then I started tapping my head. And finally I started banging my head
against the wall. Eventually I found a way to make good money and daily
commissions. And from then on, I was able to graduate to big school
where I'm now making several hundred dollars a day hands-free.
Other People Are Not to Blame
don't be hard on yourself and don't blame others if you're not making
the money you feel you deserve. Instead, take action. Get your hands on
as much quality information as you can about making affiliate
commissions hands-free, and then take action today to put it into
practice. The internet is awash with information, hell you probably have
enough content hidden on your hard drive already to get to work. Just
make sure that the information you use comes from marketers who are
banking big commissions consistently and have a tried and tested system
in place. Remember though that once you become independently wealthy,
some people will be green with envy. Still, it beats being covered in
tar and feathers!
NEW: Discover the only way left for the little
guy to get rich online - including how I've made $303,282.06 in the past
few months alone:
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