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How Video Can Change Your Content Marketing

How video can change your content marketing is an essential tip even for email marketing. Email marketing has evolved rapidly alongside the technological growth of the 21st century.
The use of video cannot be over emphasized as it gives a wide dimension to content marketing. Video transforms content marketing in various ways via email as discussed below.
Video is an Eye Catcher That Prompts Action
Most people now believe reading text to be stressful and thereby resulting in the invention of audio E-books, Bible, and others. Would you rather read a movie script than watch the video? Let alone, people love a good quality video over text.
Adding video to emails helps boost customers’ action as you can convince people more in videos.
From research made, the statistic has it that:
In real estate sale, email listings that include video receive about 403% more inquiries than those without video.
65% of executives seek more information on the marketer’s website after seeing a video.
Video Will Change Your Brand Awareness From Snail Speed to Jet Speed
It is easy to share the video of a product or service to friends than explain to them. Sharing videos help pass information faster and a good video is sure to be recommended among peers.
80% of users recall a video ad viewed in the past 30 days according to Online Publishers Association.
According to Invodo, 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others.
Video Differentiates You From Competition
The use of video helps establish your personality to viewers. The confidence portrayed in the video helps to differentiate you from competition and to persuade a viewer to purchase whatever you are marketing.

Using Video in Emails
Statistics shows how video has helped improve email marketing in recent times as we see below.
According to Implix, an introductory email that includes a video receives an increase click-through rate by 96%.
64% of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video, according to ComScore.
90% of user believe watching a video about a product helps in decision making.
86% of college students prefer to watch a video than to read a long article.

However, there are some useful tips you need to know about video in content marketing.
5% of viewers will stop watching a video after 1 minute 60 seconds by 2 minutes.
According to Google, 4 out of 5 users will stop watching a video if it stalls while loading.
92% of video consumers share the video with others.
According to Forbes, 59% of executives would rather watch a video than reading a text.
Animated explainer videos are said to increase conversion rates by 20% according to Unbounce.
On the long run, the use of video in content marketing proves to be very profitable, meeting a wide range of users. Using video in emails will promote your business and easily stamp the information on the mind of a user.

You should definitely use video henceforth has it guarantees to transform your content marketing in this digital era.

In summary, Video will change your content marketing by;
Building loyalty, trust, or brand awareness
Attracting users attention and generating leads
Expanding your customer base
Generating or Increasing your sales
Using video is a great way not only to market your content but also to connect with your customers.

Read more at www.yourpainlesslife.com

REVEALED A Secret Way to Do Affiliate Marketing Using Email

Have you read a ton about affiliate marketing? Do you want to start leaving a painless life with passive income? Are you interested in learning how you can take your income to the next level?  
No doubt you are, or you wouldn’t have landed on this blog! The good news is there is a better way to join the ranks of millions who do affiliate marketing—but it isn’t the method you’re probably using right now.  

Traditional Affiliate Marketing 
Most affiliate marketers use flashy landing pages—and I do mean flashy—to get people to click on their links and buy the products they’ve endorsed. Not only does this not work, it often leaves you in debt. Some don’t even test the products they’ve affiliated themselves with before they advertise them to their audience.  
That’s a huge mistake!  
Honesty is the currency of the new market, and transparency is important. Whether you’re a CPA who wants to offer clients appealing products through various programs, or focused on one single product, email is one tool you don’t want to overlook.  
Why Email is the Better Route to Take 
How do you get consumers’ emails? By asking them! When people head over to your landing page, one of the first actions you should ask them to take is to give you their email address. This is called a “Email List Sign Up” page. Once you have their email, the next step is to market to them.  
Email is definitely not dead. It is the non-intrusive way to market your products or service. Not to mention there is greater flexibility with what you can send and say via email.  
Bonus Tips for Using Email: 
  • It’s all about the headline! Use words that evoke emotion and intrigue, think: Sale, Secret, Must-Have 
  • Make your Call To Action clear. Tell people what you want them to do and show them with links and proper formatting.  
  • Personalize your email. Talk to your readers like they’re your best friend. Use their first name and be causal. It works way better than corporate jargon.  
Use these tips to level up on your advertising efforts and get the most from your affiliate marketing 

Best Way To Do Search Engine Optimization

There are a few basics when it comes to SEO, and to be honest, some of the basics are still the best way to do search engine optimization. While not everyone in your business needs to have a technical understanding of SEO, they should be aware of it.  

What Is SEO? 

It’s an umbrella term that captures every method that can be used to ensure your website is visible and easily discoverable on search engine results. SEO methods vary, and it isn’t just about stuffing keywords in your blog content. In this list, we’ll take a look at the best way to do SEO.  

Why You Need SEO 

A robust site architecture, offering clean navigation will allow search engines to index the site smoothly. This should also provide your visitors with an excellent experience. The traffic that is being driven to your site from search engines is a clear indication of how important SEO is.  

According to eMarketer 90% of organic traffic came from Google. When you get into the results, the top 5 search engine results get almost 70% of clicks, whereas those between 6 and 20 account for under 4%. The importance of appearing in the top 5 search engine results is vital.  
There are a number of ways that you can achieve this. Check out the following tips in how best to do SEO.  

Content Quality 

Are you writing for readers, or are you producing content for search engines? You need to publish useful and helpful content on a regular basis. Research from Searchmetrics suggests that Google is more interested in longer form content, understanding the intent of visitors.  

Site Speed 

Moz indicates that the speed of your site is vital to your search ranking. Downtime, and slow speed can chase visitors away, causing a steep drop in your traffic, having a serious impact on your ranking. 


While using meta title tags and descriptions may not have a direct impact on your SERP ranking, but it can increase the likelihood of searchers clicking your result.  
A meta description is a short paragraph of text that falls under the URL of your page when the search results are called up, and you have total control over it. It should be under 156 words, and it should be clear and relevant to the headline and the article content. Check out this guide from SEO Works on how to write killer SEO meta descriptions.   

User Experience 

Inc. suggests that there is a natural correlation between SEO and user experience. Your site should be easy to navigate, there should be a way to easily search on the site, as well as keep visitors on your page, exploring.   

Internal Linking  

There are a variety of benefits of internal linking. This is a practice that writers and editors follow when they publish articles. The benefits are as follows: 

  • It makes it easier for crawlers to index your site. Crawlers will have a better idea of how trustworthy and useful your site and content are the more they crawl the internal links. 
  • It offers the audience other reading options. Provided you have included relevant internal links, and the anchor text is clear, you can help keep visitors on your site.  
  • You can use particular keywords to improve your ranking. For instance, if we wanted this article to rank for SEO basics, then we can link to it from different posts, using a variation of similar anchor text. This suggests to Google that the post is relevant to people searching SEO basics. Vary the anchor text so Google doesn’t flag you for suspicious content.  

Evergreen Content 

Forget peppering the web with quick win stores that provide no insight. Instead, publish evergreen content. Offer helpful, thoughtful articles that contain practical advice based articles. These provide long-term wins when it comes to driving traffic.  


Search engines generally try to offer relevant results to the query. If it’s a simple question like: what is Taylor Swift’s net worth, the answer will come up without you ever needing to leave the search results page. Whereas, a more complicated search will offer up a variety of websites.  

The results are provided based on the search engines algorithms. While we will never determine the exact algorithm, there are factors that play a role, such as the time of day, the year, the location of the searcher, and their search history.  
Sometimes you need to forget about keywords, and focus on the experience of the user, and the relevancy of your content.  


What sets an authority site aside from any other website is that users trust it. It’s trusted by the industry, other websites, as well as search engines. An authority link is valuable, indicating a higher level of content. The more often you use links from authority sites, the more likely and quicker your site will also become an authority.  


Never turn the comment system off. You should encourage a thriving community of commenters that engage under your posts. It shows that your visitors care about the content, whether it’s to praise it or offer critique.  
Make sure that you apply a spam filter, or have a process in place to remove any comments that manage to slip by it.  

Duplicate Content 

If Google comes across two pieces of content that are identical, whether the original is from your site, or the copy is on another site, it will only index one page. Beware of scraper sites that steal content and then publish it automatically as their own.  

Local SEO 

Google is now serving up results to their users based on location. It’s particularly important for businesses to grab local attention. Make sure you are registered with Google My Business and keep your information up to date, including contact information, customer reviews, opening times, as well as the category that your business falls under.  

Permalinks & Headlines 

The permalink doesn’t need to exactly match the headline. However, it should involve the most important three or four keywords.  
A headline should be under 55 characters so there is total visibility in search engine results page. They should be attractive, descriptive, and snappy. Avoid clickbait headlines, and don’t promise what you can’t deliver.