How video can change your content marketing is an essential tip even for email marketing. Email marketing has evolved rapidly alongside the technological growth of the 21st century.
The use of video cannot be over emphasized as it gives a wide dimension to content marketing. Video transforms content marketing in various ways via email as discussed below.
• Video is an Eye Catcher That Prompts Action
Most people now believe reading text to be stressful and thereby resulting in the invention of audio E-books, Bible, and others. Would you rather read a movie script than watch the video? Let alone, people love a good quality video over text.
Adding video to emails helps boost customers’ action as you can convince people more in videos.
From research made, the statistic has it that:
In real estate sale, email listings that include video receive about 403% more inquiries than those without video.
65% of executives seek more information on the marketer’s website after seeing a video.
• Video Will Change Your Brand Awareness From Snail Speed to Jet Speed
It is easy to share the video of a product or service to friends than explain to them. Sharing videos help pass information faster and a good video is sure to be recommended among peers.
80% of users recall a video ad viewed in the past 30 days according to Online Publishers Association.
According to Invodo, 92% of mobile video consumers share videos with others.
• Video Differentiates You From Competition
The use of video helps establish your personality to viewers. The confidence portrayed in the video helps to differentiate you from competition and to persuade a viewer to purchase whatever you are marketing.
Using Video in Emails
Statistics shows how video has helped improve email marketing in recent times as we see below.
• According to Implix, an introductory email that includes a video receives an increase click-through rate by 96%.
• 64% of users are more likely to buy a product online after watching a video, according to ComScore.
• 90% of user believe watching a video about a product helps in decision making.
• 86% of college students prefer to watch a video than to read a long article.
However, there are some useful tips you need to know about video in content marketing.
• 5% of viewers will stop watching a video after 1 minute 60 seconds by 2 minutes.
• According to Google, 4 out of 5 users will stop watching a video if it stalls while loading.
• 92% of video consumers share the video with others.
• According to Forbes, 59% of executives would rather watch a video than reading a text.
• Animated explainer videos are said to increase conversion rates by 20% according to Unbounce.
On the long run, the use of video in content marketing proves to be very profitable, meeting a wide range of users. Using video in emails will promote your business and easily stamp the information on the mind of a user.
You should definitely use video henceforth has it guarantees to transform your content marketing in this digital era.
In summary, Video will change your content marketing by;
• Building loyalty, trust, or brand awareness
• Attracting users attention and generating leads
• Expanding your customer base
• Generating or Increasing your sales
Using video is a great way not only to market your content but also to connect with your customers.
Read more at www.yourpainlesslife.com