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Email Marketing 2017

Email marketing is an effective communication method for business and ecommerce. I recently utilized email marketing broadcasts to increase my conversion rate of an affiliate product. Here is a summary of email as an effective business communication method.

The first step to successful email marketing is to choose a successful email software program. The email software will help with successful business communication.

The email marketing I recently chose for an email campaign was a company provided broadcast to get my message out. This helped improve my SEO and hopefully conversion rate of an affiliate product.

The other option email marketing software has so many different software options available. The best qualities I looked for included number of emails sent per hour, html5 upgrades from flash and look, appearance, color, templates available, cost etc

. One of my great challenges which I have not yet accomplished is actually building my optin or subscriber list. This list will enable me to accomplish the goal of sending successful email communications on the internet.

The other option was text email campaigns which reduce the incidents of spam messages. This is a great method of business communication too.

One of the most successful email campaigns I designed included the use of better responsive email templates. It is possible to develop this concept and design and publish the email HTML template. This allows for more artistic creativity designing the email campaign for effective business communications.

The disadvantages of email marketing might include the possibility of spam email reporting. Another disadvantage of this might be excessive cost of email broadcasts.

Finally, I made a list of the top five advantages and disadvantages of this as a comparison chart.

The advantages include:
1. Effective email communications
2. Colorful professional templates
3. Opportunity to code and publish my own templates
4. Cost effective software
5. Ease of use, mobile friendly interface

The disadvantages of this:
1. Excessive cost of broadcasts
2. Spam reporting
3. Low response rate
4. email optin difficulty
5. No response

I hope this concept helps my conversion rate and plan on investing in more advanced software in the future. The possibility for business growth is great.

In summary, effective communication can help SEO, ROI and conversion rate. I think this is one of the best ways to effectively communicate online. I outlined some advantages and disadvantages in this article. The future of business communications looks bright.

I considered email marketing for business to increase my conversion rate of affiliate products. This is an effective way to communicate online for business.

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